Re: Odbudowana macierz RAID 1 nie z tego dysku - jak to cofn?ć?

Autor: kamil <>
Data: Tue 27 Oct 2009 - 12:06:39 MET
Message-ID: <hc6k81$3mm$>

"rs" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 09:50:34 -0000, "kamil" <> wrote:
>>Co ciekawsze, odkad Gutmann w 1996 roku opublikowal TEORETYCZNE podstawy
>>odzyskania nadpisanych danych, nikomu jeszcze nie udalo sie tego
>>potwierdzic. Przez 13 lat od tego czas nikt nie pochwalil sie, ze odzyskal
>>NADPISANE dane. Wiec jak to?
> to nie jest tak, ze sie nikomu nie udalo potwierdzil, bo potwierdzenia
> doswiadczalne metody byly, jednak nikt przy zdrowych zmyslach nie
> bedzie chcial odzyskiwac danych, metoda z predkoscia 1bit/s. <rs>

"When Professor Gutman did his research, the track spacing between groups of
sectors was very wide and the bit density was low, thereby providing a valid
means of recovering a shadow of the previous sector. Of course if you could
only read just the top level of bits per sector that had not been
overwritten, you would only be able to recover an extremely small percentage
of the original sector--at best you would only be able to recover just a
small sliver of the original sector.

Today's hard disks have a bit density far greater and the track sizes are
extremely small--down to the nano scale in size. Notice the advances in the
past 10 years.

The notion that overwritten sectors can be recovered by searching for
'shadow' copies on today's hard drives is false. "

Tak twierdziSean Barry - manager Ontrack America. Nie obraz sie, ale facet
ma troche wiekszy autorytet niz jakis koles z polskiego internetu, ktory nie
potrafi podac jednego przykladu badan na ktorych sie opiera..

Received on Tue Oct 27 12:10:02 2009

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