Re: karty do trybu SLI

Autor: Tomasz Potega <>
Data: Tue 07 Nov 2006 - 15:17:52 MET
Message-ID: <eiq4ig$hve$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2; format=flowed

Stanisław Kępiński wrote:
> potrzebuję szybkiej odpowiedzi, a mam zablokowany dostęp do googla -
> czy do trybu SLI potrzebne są dwie _identyczne_ karty (ten sam
> producent, model itp.) czy tylko takie same - ten sam chip,
> charakterystyka pamięci etc?

Można mieszać:

"Can I mix and match graphics cards?

In order to provide optimal symmetric scaling, SLI technology requires
the NVIDIA GPUs to match. For example, a GeForce 7800 GTX must be paired
with another GeForce 7800 GTX. Likewise, a GeForce 6600 GT must be
paired with another GeForce 6600 GT. However, using the latest Release
80 or later graphics drivers, NVIDIA GPUs sold by different
manufacturers can be used together in an SLI configuration. For example,
a GeForce 7800 GT from vendor ABC can be matched with a GeForce
7800 GT from vendor XYZ"

Received on Tue Nov 7 15:20:08 2006

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