Co to jest EMBR?

Autor: Green <>
Data: Thu 03 Mar 2005 - 14:02:11 MET
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2

Że MBR to MasterBootRecord to wiadomo.
Mieści sie na pierwszych 512 bajtach pierwszego sektora dysku.

A _EMBR_ ?

Jak kto może to prosze łopatologicznie :)

To co nizej to cytat z Readme programu MBR, ale w innych (programach dyskowych)
spotykałem się z tym skrótem także.
MBRWork - Freeware utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR
          and disk functions. Provided As-Is.
It can perform the following:
1 - Backup the first track on a hard drive.
2 - Restore the backup file.
3 - Reset the EMBR area to all zeros.
4 - Reset the MBR are to all zeros.
5 - Install standard MBR Code
6 - Set a partition active (avail on the command line too)
7 - Work with multiple hard drives.
8 - Remove EZ-Drive (You must boot directly to a diskette (by passing ez-drive)
    for this option to show)
9 - Edit MBR partition entry values.
A - If no partitions exist in the MBR and no EMBR exists then this option
    will allow you to recover lost FAT, HPFS, NTFS, and Extened partitions.
C - Capture up to 64 disk sectors to a file.
R - Restore up to 64 disk sectors from a file. This feature should only
    be used by those who completely understand what they are doing!
T - Transfer/Copy sectors from disk to disk. This feature should only
    be used by those who completely understand what they are doing!
P - Compare sectors.

Be sure to visit for more great software!

Do czego służy EMBR i jakie ma znaczenie?

Pozdr. Zbig.Drwięga
Linux Reg.User #166848,gg:1100100111000000111010
Received on Thu Mar 3 14:05:22 2005

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Thu 03 Mar 2005 - 14:51:03 MET