Try it to make money while browsing on the internet

Autor: nelson (
Data: Tue 02 Jan 2001 - 09:45:39 MET

Try it to make money while browsing on the internet
       If you usually spend much time in browsing on the internet,
       that you can try the way to make money while browsing.
       You could be paied about 0.5dollars(U.S. dollar)/hour.
       If you registed two programs,then you gain 1dollar/hour

  1.Visit these two websites:

  2.Regiest them,and download the program, then install them
  3.Run the programs and log in before you browse the internet
  4.You will see the green light on the banner, it's mean that you have
started to make money
  5.The websites will caculate what you could gain in the end of every
month and mail you the check

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