Re: A to dziobak ;-(

Autor: Kaizen (
Data: Thu 21 Sep 2000 - 13:09:39 MET DST

Michal Kawecki wrote:
> Nie masz racji. W ten sposób zmienisz wpis
> UseTrash=x,
> natomiast autor pisze w FAQ o wpisie
> Win95Delete=x,
> którego standardowo nie ma w .ini.

No, ale to problem na win 2k, a do tego zgodnie z FAQ wpisy są

Q: Why is the deletion of files so slow on Windows 2000?
A: This happens if you
have disabled the recycle bin on the Desktop, but not in Windows
Commander. Solution: Disable the recycle bin also in Windows Commander
under Configuration - Options - Operation,


change the Windows Commander settings to make it delete through the
Explorer. To do this, you need to add the following line to the file
wincmd.ini, under section [Configuration]
The strange name comes because the recycle bin was first introduced in
Windows 95.

gadu-gadu 2122

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