External Microphone not working with Thinkpads

Autor: Konrad Starek (starek_at_freenet.hut.fi)
Data: Sun 21 May 2000 - 08:48:50 MET DST

I have really exhausted my imagination trying to get several external
microphones to work the the Thinkpads. I have already tried 3
microphones with two types of Thinkpads (TP 380ED and TP 600). While
the internal microphones work fine, the external do not, no matter how
I configure the Master Out recording settings (currently the following
is checked: Master Record, Synth, CD, Mic).

Recently, I visited a CompUSA store hoping to be able to choose the
right microphone while getting some professional service. The people
there did not have a clue why the microphone we tried on the Thinkpad
was not working.

I know there is "a story" to external microphones and Thinkpads. There
was a posting at http://dragon-master.dragonfire.net/NT/NTmicrophone,
but the link does not work.

Any hints will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


P.S. Please, cc: me at starek_at_freenet.hut.fi

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