I Love You zaatakowal juz 350.000 komputerow za woda

Autor: Dariusz (teletext_at_poczta.onet.pl)
Data: Thu 04 May 2000 - 21:16:34 MET DST

More than 350,000 computers in
                  the United States were infected by
                  the 'ILOVEYOU' bug by midday
                  Thursday, and the virus is
                  continuing to spread. Experts say
                  the virus appears to be in the same
                  class as the Melissa virus, a bug
                  that crippled computer systems
                  around the world a year ago. Much
                  like Melissa, the ''love bug'' spreads
                  by infiltrating a computer user's
                  address book and sending copies
                  of itself to that person's contacts.
                  However, the new virus also
                  seemed to be using instant
                  messaging or ''Internet chat''
                  systems such as ICQ to spread. The virus first
appeared in Hong Kong,
                  spreading throughout e-mail systems once a user opened
one of the
                  contaminated messages. It later moved into European
parliamentary houses
                  and through the high-tech systems of big companies and
financial traders.

                       Virus also affecting chat systems
                       Corporate systems hard-hit by virus

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