Java w Netscape - problem

Autor: Jakub Kolodziejski (
Data: Wed 05 Apr 2000 - 20:28:18 MET DST


Jestem szczesliwym posiadaczem Netscape 4.72 oraz problemu...
Kiedy uruchamiam jakas strone z java, to zawsze widze takie komunikaty
i netscape odmawia posluszenstwa (nie dzialaja zadne aplety).

Najpierw pojawia sie to:


#Error: The certificate user for this sever is not recognized by
The security certificate may or may not be valid.

Netscape refuses to connect to this server. (-8179)
# jar file: E:\netscape\program\java\classes\java40.jar
# path: E:\netscape\program\java\classes\java40.jar

a pozniej to:

Java reported the following error on startup:

java.lang.SecurityException: system classes were not signed


Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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