RE: win2k a millenium

Autor: Filozoofil (
Data: Mon 03 Apr 2000 - 18:47:18 MET DST

Użytkownik Łukasz Bernat <> w wiadomości do grup
dyskusyjnych napisał
> generalnie to
> winMillenium -gowno
> win2k -gowno
> pozostale winy -gowno
> tyle ze win2k to chyba najmniejsze gowno

Ach. Tego wlasnie mi najbardziej brakowalo... Wkleje
Ci tu cos specjalnie dla Ciebie:


Start Flame
  [ ] Alleged Primate [ ] Lamer [ ] AOLer
  [ ] "Me too" er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek
  [ ] Spammer [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis
  [ ] Fed [ ] Freak [ ] Punk
  [ ] Fathead [ ] "Expert" [ ] Irritant
  [ ] Psycho [ ] Nut [ ] Wacko
  [ ] Other:

 You Are Being Flamed Because:
  [ ] You posted a "test" in a newsgroup other than alt.test
  [ ] You posted warez in pieces LESS than 5000 lines
  [ ] You posted a binary in a format many readers can't use
  [ ] You posted something asking for warez sites
  [ ] You posted a binary in a non-binaries group
  [ ] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply
  [ ] You posted in ALL CAPS
  [ ] You posted an ad in an inappropriate group
  [ ] You continued a long, stupid thread
  [ ] You started an off-topic thread
  [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
  [ ] You said "me too" to something
  [ ] You don't know which group to post in
  [ ] You suck
  [ ] You brag about things that never happened
  [ ] Your sig/alias/server sucks
  [ ] You made up slang then used it in a message
  [ ] You posted a phone-sex ad
  [ ] I don't like your tone of voice
  [ ] I think you might be a fed
  [ ] You're an idiot
  [ ] You're a moron
  [ ] You're an imbecile
  [ ] You can't recognize sarcasm
  [ ] You posted in eLiTe CaPiTaLs
  [ ] You contributed nothing
  [ ] You contributed less than nothing
  [ ] You posted concerning a subject you know nothing about
  [ ] You posted a pyramid scheme
  [ ] You pretended your pyramid scheme was legal
  [ ] You are trolling

 To Repent, You Must:

  [ ] Give up your AOL account
  [ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
  [ ] Eat your caps lock key
  [ ] Jump into a bathtub while using an electrical appliance,
      preferably the PC you posted from
  [ ] Actually post something relevant
  [ ] Read the FAQ
  [ ] Be Senator Exon's love slave
  [ ] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month
  [ ] Post your tests to alt.test
  [ ] Stop sucking
  [ ] Never post again
  [ ] Die
  [ ] Go away
  [ ] Stop using your father/mother/older sibling's account
  [ ] Invent a time machine, go back in time, and
        [ ] stop yourself from spamming
        [ ] stop your parents from conceiving
        [ ] stop your grandparents from conceiving
        [ ] stay there
  [ ] Get a life
  [ ] Talk to someone of the opposite sex (other than 1-900-BIGTITS)
  [ ] Calm down
  [ ] Watch Full House (if this seems like a reward, please do all the

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

  [ ] Blow me
  [ ] Who cares?
  [ ] Fuck yourself
  [ ] I pity your dog
  [ ] Go to hell
  [ ] Never breed
  [ ] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...
  [ ] Take your shit somewhere else
  [ ] Eat shit and die
  [ ] Learn to post or fuck off
  [ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment
  [ ] See how far your tongue will fit into the electric outlet
  [ ] All of the above

End Flame.


Sam wstaw w odpowiednie miejsca krzyzyki.


To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 19:58:23 MET DST