Re: Win 98SE PL i ATX

Autor: JurekP (
Data: Sun 26 Mar 2000 - 20:51:58 MET DST

Przesyłam fragment postu z grupu ASUS, ale dotyczy to każdej innej płyty

>I have a P2B motherboard and Windows 98. The computer used to shutoff
>automatically when I would exit Windows, but now it stops at a black
>screen with orange text that say "It's safe to shutoff the computer", or
>something to the effect.
>I would like the computer to shutoff automatically again. Can anyone
Howard, this is caused by a registry entry.

Run regedit and first back up current registry.

Then go to Hkey_LocalMachine_Enum_Root.
Under this you wil see a number of entries labeled PNPxxxx, each with
a sub-branch labeled 0000.

Look at each of these and find the one which mentions Advaced Power
Management(APM) or Advanced Control and Power interface (ACPI).

The value of ConfigFlags needs to be modified;
a setting of 4 (04 00 00 00} disables auto shutdown,
whereas a setting of 0 (00 00 00 00} enables it.

Having set this value to zero the problem should be resolved on the
second shutdown.

Użytkownik Maciej Król <> w wiadomości do grup
dyskusyjnych napisał:n68D4.8144$
> Zainstalowalem ostatnio u ojca w pracy Win98SE PL i kiedy zamykam
system to
> komputer nie wylacza sie samoczynnie - wczesniej mialem Win 95 i
> bylo OK, wystarczylo tylko wylaczyc listwe. Dlaczego pod win 98SE PLmam
> tym problem i czy da sie go jakos rozwiazac, jesli tak to w jaki

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