Autor: hapy grupy (
Data: Sun 26 Mar 2000 - 04:13:11 MET DST
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-----Original Message-----
Przesyłam info o najnowszym procesorze Intela Pentium III 1 GHz.
Marcin Lipski
Powered for the Net-PentiumR III Processor now at 850, 866 & 1000 MHz
The PentiumR III processor is Intel's highest performance microprocessor for
the business desktop. Available at speeds up to 1.0 GHz (1000 MHz), the
Pentium III processor is powered for today's networked world-enabling
business users to get the most from Internet, intranet, extranet and LAN/WAN
And now, Intel adds PentiumR III processors manufactured using Intel's new
0.18-micron process technology-resulting in better performance. The newest
Pentium III processors include support for 100 and 133 MHz system bus and
Advanced Transfer Cache featuring 256K on-die, full speed L2 cache plus
Advanced System Buffering.
With fast clock speeds and 70 new, performance-enhancing instructions,
Pentium III processor-based systems mean your customers get all the
performance they need to run today's net-based suites and sophisticated
applications, plus the power to run background applications that increase
security, enhance productivity and lower management requirements. The
Pentium III processor offers the best of both worlds-with new features for
end-users and IT to increase productivity and efficiency.
Key Features
Building on the Intel P6 microarchitecture, the Pentium III processor
includes a number of features for the next generation of business computing,
70 new instructions that enable rich, natural data types that improve
comprehension, communication and collaboration
Fast processor clock speeds of up to 1.0 GHz
133 MHz and 100 MHz system bus supported (depending on chipset)
Advanced Transfer Cache featuring 256K on-die, full speed Level 2 cache
Dynamic Execution
MMXT technology
Processor Serial Number feature to enhance manageability and asset tracking
New Instructions Improve Performance
The Pentium III processor contains 70 new Internet Streaming SIMD
extensions-the first major expansion of the Intel instruction set since the
Pentium processor with MMXT technology was introduced in January 1997.
These new instructions address three areas of performance:
Concurrent floating point operations for better 3D, more realistic lighting
and shadowing on images, and performance improvements for communication and
collaboration tools.
Cache control instructions for better, streamlined data transfer for
performance improvements in applications and TCP/IP networks.
New MMX technology instructions which improve video, audio, and imaging for
better streaming media, more accurate speech recognition, and faster filters
and special effects.
SIMD refers to "Single Instruction, Multiple Data" which describes the
Pentium III processor's ability to apply one processor instruction to
multiple data items within a single clock cycle. This greatly increases the
processor's capacity for a wide variety of applications and data types.
Already software developers have demonstrated widespread support for
Internet Streaming SIMD Extensions-with hundreds of software applications
and Web sites being optimized for the Pentium III processor. For information
about optimized business applications, visit our business software and Web
site listing.
Spectrum of Performance
As your customers are looking for investment protection and longevity, it
makes sense to sell them up to the highest performance available within
their given price range. But to truly assess performance over the long run,
one needs to consider the performance needed for today's and tomorrow's
applications. The Pentium III processor was designed to perform
exceptionally well on the entire spectrum of PC performance:
Productivity performance which can help turn the PC into a connected,
personal assistant and improve ease of use through speech recognition and
visual data
Multimedia performance for faster image editing and smoother streaming audio
and video on corporate intranets and the Internet
3D performance for rich, data visualization and richer, 3D images on the
Internet performance to get the most from Net-centric applications that
foster new styles of workgroup, enterprise, and business-to-business
For benchmarks and more information on the Pentium III processor's
performance, visit the Pentium III processor performance page.
IT Efficiency and Control
The Pentium III processor supports the latest Wired for Management features
to help IT improve enterprise health and efficiency. And, the Pentium III
processor's built in processor serial number serves as an identifier for the
processor and its system to enhance manageability and asset tracking.
The Pentium III processor delivers the ultimate performance for today's
business applications as well as providing maximum investment protection for
the future-making it the best choice for the next generation of business
Pentium III Processor Feature Summary
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