Autor: Marek Nazarko (
Data: Wed 15 Mar 2000 - 15:26:57 MET
..machine running, bzz, bzz.., Wed, 15 Mar 2000 13:07:13 GMT, bzz, bzz
..., bobo ... bzz, bzz..., wrote :
>Użytkownik arok <> w artykule
>> przez dlugi czas nagrywal bez problemow, teraz wiekszosc plyt 700 MB
>> wypluwa od razu lub wywala sie na TOC. Standardowe plyty i RW nagrywa
>> nadal bez problemu. Czy w/w objaw sugeruje, ze niedlugo padnie zupelnie?
>Przede wszystkim zmień firmware na 3.09.
A skad go wziasc?
Ze strony na Philipsie:
Why does Philips not release a newer firmware then the current 3.01
version now?
Philips policy is to release newer firmware versions for our customers
when such a release benefits all CDD3610 users (like the v3.01).
Philips will then immediately make newer firmware available on the
internetsite ( ) and
helpdesk. Today version 3.01 meets this criteria. However,besides to
Philips branded drives, we also sell drives to OEM companies. On
special request, Philips (as the supplier to these OEM customers) may
adapt the drives firmware to customer specific versions. For this
reason you can find drives in the market, manufactured by Philips but
sold under other brands that have different firmware versions. In the
case of the v3.08, modifications were made to optimize the CDD3610
firmware to the specific driver-set and/or BIOS used by a PC OEM.
Consequently there is no advantage to release this firmware for
general use. This firmware will NOT improve the operation capabilities
of the CDD3610.
Marek Nazarko
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 19:52:44 MET DST