Re: keyboard not detected

Autor: Michał Zielinski (
Data: Tue 27 Oct 1998 - 20:25:42 MET

> This is an excerpt from a real E-Mail message sent round an (unnamed) Tech
> Support
> Department -

> " Unless there has been some major revelation, the PB900x problem of
> "Keyboard
> Not
> Detected" is NOT resolved by advising the customer to buy a pot plant and

Czyli mam sobie kupic doniczke ?

> place it next to their
> PC to reduce static buildup. Nor does buying a dehumidifier, or a rubber
> car
> mat to place their
> feet on."

> Jacek Mazur

Czasami skutkuje tez dodanie na klawiaturze dodatkowego klawisza -
rozlaczajacego +5V, czegos w rodzaju resetu.Wylacznik za 2 zl i chwila pracy
ratuja stara klawiature BEZ KLAWISZY WINDOWS, ktora nie chce dzialac z
nowszymi plytami.

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