Jak zalozyc wlasne Newsgroups. To proste.

Autor: falzmann (falzmann_at_email.msn.com)
Data: Mon 10 Nov 1997 - 19:24:41 MET

Jesli chcesz zalozyc wlasna grupe typu alt.fan .... ( np.
mark-falzmann ) (:-)))
musisz odrobine poczytac z ponizszych adresow:
( generalnie nie ma zadnego problemu z zalozeniem grup typu alt... i
KAZDY to moze zrobic bez wiekszego wysilku. Ja mam juz trzy ale
wyglada na to ze bede miec czwarta dzieki uprzejmosci "anonimowego...
he, he ..." dobroczyncy )
Okay, teraz dane. Jak by kto mial problemy to sluze fachowa pomoca.
Piszcie na priva.
Pomoc dla chcacych zalozyc wlasna newsgroup:
http://www.tezcat.com/~haz1/alt/example.html%a0%a0 (the template)

More useful information:

ftp://ftp.uu.net/networking/news/config/%a0 (select newsgroups Z)

Information for starting a moderated newsgroup:


An Overview:

NO ONE can keep you from creating an alt. newsgroup.
NO ONE can make a Internet Service Provider (ISP) put your group on
their server.
NO ONE can effectively remove your group, except the Internet service
provider, and then only from his server.  Most servers automatically
reject rmgroup messages.

Creating a successful alt. newsgroup will take about four-weeks.
Distribution over the usenet system, once created, may take a month
or more.

There are no votes needed for alt.* newsgroups. A charter is not
required but you should provide a description of the groups purpose.

A format familiar to system administrators should be used so that
they can quickly determine if it is of interest to their operation.
(That is the purpose of following the template format you

Justification for the group should explain why it is needed. A large
mailing list and frequent discussion of your newsgroup subject in
other newsgroups should be mentioned.

Post supporting your proposal should be sent to your e-mail address.
NOT alt.config.  You can summarize the messages of support in the
justification portion of the control message. In your
newgroup.control message you should mention that the newsgroup was
proposed and discussed in alt.config, giving the date (and ideally
the Message-ID) of the proposal.  This information should appear
early in the message since many news administrators, will ignore any
newgroup messages that don't mention alt.config in the first page. (
I suggest putting the information in the comments portion, in the
body, and the summary field of the header.)

The biggest obstacle you will have to overcome is getting the
Internet service provider, systems administrator, to allow your
newsgroup on their server.  Good propagation is second, in
importance,  only to the creation of your newsgroup and is more
difficult to obtain. If your creation is on one or two servers, out
of several thousand, your creation will fail. That is why following
the  documents (FAQ's), while writing the proposal, control and
booster post, is important.

Creating your newsgroup:

The group you want to create may already exist. Download and check
ftp://ftp.uu.net/networking/news/config/ (select newsgroups.z). This
will give you a complete list of alt.newsgroups, and hierarchies, in
existence; not necessarily in use. The list will help you name and
place your newsgroup in the proper hierarchy. (very important)

Creating a newsgroup essentially involves three stages. Writing a
proposal which will be posted to alt.config for discussion. Writing a
newgroup control post which is the same as the proposal except it has
control: and approved: fields in the header. Writing booster post
after the newsgroup is created. The booster is exactly the same as
the control post except at the beginning of the message, in the body,
after a blank line, the word "booster" is written.  Control and 
booster post are posted to alt.config and the newsgroup you are
creating.  (alt.config,alt.group-name)

The best source of information, concerning the creation  of an alt.
Newsgroup, is contained in a document titled "How To Write a Good
Newsgroup Message" by Mr.Brian Edmonds. It can be found at URL
http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/edmonds/usenet/good-newgroup.html%a0 Pay
particular attention to his "must", "should" and "should not"
instructions. The document by Mr. David Barr is also strongly
recommended; especially the part about newsgroup naming conventions. 
It can be found at the web URL address

When you prepare your newsgroup proposal try to keep the discussion
of the proposal too one screen if possible.  A long proposal  may not
be read.  Use the comments, charter and justification sections of the
template example, below, as a guide.  Let your proposal stay on
alt.config, for discussion, about a week. There may  be suggestions
for changes. Consider the suggestions carefully. If there are no
suggestions you can assume the proposal is acceptable.  Then,
incorporating any changes, you deem necessary, send your newgroup
control post.

Cross post your newgroup control post to alt.config and the group
being creating. Only a comma between the two; no space.
(alt.config,alt.group-name)  A successful newgroup control post WILL
NOT show up in alt.config even though it was addressed to that group.
The CONTROL newsgroup (it may be listed as control.newgroup on your
ISP's server) is where you will find your newgroup control message,
if the post was successful.  Look in  the control newsgroup and see
if the group was created. There may be 40,000, or more, post in
control so  It may be hard to locate. Use your find tool and If your
newsreader has a filter (kill file) you might filter out the word
"cancel" too get rid of most post that are of no interest too you.
Sorting the group by subject also helps.

Every Internet service provider that accepts newgroup.control post
automatically will create your group on that server immediately when
received or pass the newgroup.control post on to the system
administrator for action.

Newsreaders That Will Send a Newgroup Control Message:

What none of the FAQ's  make clear is that your newsreader may not
have the special header fields needed to send a control post or how
to get those header fields. There MUST be "control:"  and "approved:"
fields IN the header. Free Agent, Agent and News Xpress newsreaders
can produce these header fields for IBM type PC users. For Macintosh
users the MT-Newswatcher can be used. All the suggested newsreaders 
are freeware and can be found at the URL's following.....

For windows 95

For windows 3.xx

For Apple Macintorsh

The MT-Newswatcher (Macintosh)

To configure the MT-Newswatcher perform the following.

>From the menu
click on FILE
Scroll down to Extra header lines
Type in control:
Type in approved:
Click OKAY

The Free Agent Newsreader
(Agent is essentially the same)

To obtain the required headers with Free Agent  you must find  the
agent.ini  file (agent  configure  with windows 95 or just agent).
Open the file by clicking on the icon and using notepad.
Find the section labeled [message] and then  find ShowAllFields=0.
Change ShowAllFields=0 to ShowAllFields=1.
Save and Close the file.
Close and restart Free Agent.
Click Post on the menu.
Click New Usenet Message.
Click message on the menu
Click on All Fields.
The last action will open a new fields box.  In this new box you will
find the new control and approved headers. You can scroll the fields
using the buttons on the right side of the box.  To enter data in the
control field highlight the control field by clicking on it.  Below
the box you will see a box now marked as Value for control.  In this
box enter the control data.  Click on the highlighted control again
and the data in the value box will be transferred to the highlighted
control field.  Repeat the operation for the approved field and all
fields you wish to change in the box.

The News Xpress Newsreader
The two New Xpress readers are simpler to configure than  Free Agent.

New Xpress 1.0 beta # 4 for Windows 3.xx.
Click on Config.
Click on Preferences.
Click on Headers
In the box marked Post headers template type in the
control: and approved: header fields.
Close the box and click Post.  Your new fields will now be visible.

News Xpress version 2.0 for Windows 95

Click on File
Click on Options
Click on Compose
In the Template section , in the post headers box, type in the
control: and approved: header fields.
Close the box and select Post from the menu.  You will now see the
new control and approved header fields.

An example, newgroup control post , header and body.

============ template example below ================

From:  {email address of person sending this message}
Newsgroups:  alt.config,{name of newsgroup being created}
Control: newgroup {name of newsgroup being created}
Subject: cmsg newgroup {name of newsgroup being created}
Summary: discussed in alt.config, substantial interest, appropriate
Expires: {this should be left empty, in a newgroup message}
Approved: {email address of person sending this message}
Sender: {email address of person or administrator sending this
Follow up-To: poster {follow ups default to emailing you, instead of
Reply-To:  {email address of person requesting creation of the group}

Distribution:  {this header should be empty except for a single space
character; especially don't use "Distribution: world"}
Organization: {your organization or institution may be named here}
Keywords: {here you may include keywords related to the topic of the
Cc: {you may specify email addresses to send a copy of this message

(make sure you have a blank line here, between the header, above, and
the body, below)

State the dates (e.g. "during 1/96") was discussed in alt.config, and
who you are in relation to the proposal (especially if you aren't the
original proponent). Many news administrators, will ignore any
newgroup messages that don't mention the posting of the proposal to
alt.config. )

For your newsgroups file:
newsgroup name  A few words describing the newsgroup. One line. Do
not run over.

{You must follow the format above exactly; copy the first line
verbatim, and on the second line give the name of the newsgroup,
followed by one or more spaces followed by a few words describing the
group. Do not run over the end of the line!)

The purpose of the charter is to define what topics are (or are not)
appropriate for the newsgroup, and to state any applicable policies
of the newsgroup (for example, if the group is "retro-moderated", you
should explain the criteria that will be applied by the moderator or
moderation software.

Justification of Readership:
Here you should include numerical evidence that there is substantial
online interest in the topic of the newsgroup. If the topic is
covered by an existing newsgroup, mailing list, or other discussion
forum, you should also explain why the existing forum is no longer
adequate for the purpose.

This also applies to creating a specialized subgroup of a more
general  newsgroup; you will need to explain why the split is
necessary ("we don't want to use the general group" is not considered
an adequate reason-- only a high volume of traffic in the general
group, and/or a high percentage of that traffic being on this
specific sub-topic, is considered a valid justification for a split).

============template example above ===================

Always remember; You are addressing systems administrators with your
proposal, control and booster post. They must make quick decisions on
your newsgroup along with many others.
What Comes After:

After the control post has been sent, and you have confirmed it was
successful, you may get several post similar the one below.  They are
for system administrators and you need take no action.

From: news_at_duey.c4c.com
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 96 20:17:31 +0000

e.calame_at_worldnet.att.net requested that alt.penpals.forty-plus-yrs
be created. To do this, type the following:
  /usr/local/news/bin/ctlinnd newgroup  alt.penpals.forty-plus-yrs y

Follow Up:

You have done all the above and you still do not see your newsgroup
on the server of your ISP.  Check for newgroups or refresh your
newsreader newsgroup list and check again.  If it still is not there
after a day or two give your Internet service provider a call and
request that it be added.

To get good distribution of the newsgroups encourage all, who would
be interested, to ask their Internet service provider to add the
group to their server.  (A polite announcement, of the creation of
your newsgroup, to newsgroups with similar, but specialized interest,
would not be out of order.)  Send a booster post about once a week
for a month;  Once a month for six-months.  After that, once every
six-months to a year.  Boosters are important since the usenet is not
static.  New ISP's are  being created, failing and changing
After the new newsgroup has been up and running for a few months, 
you should write a review of the group and submit it to 
news.groups.reviews.  See http://www.superb.net/~islander/ngr/%a0 for
information about news.groups.reviews.

        M. Robert Falzmann
   Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
            Use it ... wisely.

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