CTCU[bylo:Re: T2P4 - BIOS 202]

Autor: Marek Sokol (msokol_at_polbox.pl)
Data: Sun 20 Apr 1997 - 23:37:02 MET DST

>Vibra16C programik CTCU? Wladowalo mi sie toto do autoexeca i
>komputerek na cacy. Oczywiscie komputer bez linijki uruchamiajacej
>cudo dziala bez zmian, ino sie nie zawiesza ;)
imho ctcu nie jest potrzebne.
cytuje za creaf.com:
You should run Creative PnP Configuration Utility (CTCU) when one of
the following situations happens:
(a) Your PnP cards' settings do not work properly.
    For example, some systems do not support high DMA (Direct Memory
Access) and one of your PnP devices is set to use high DMA. Then you
need to run CTCU to select another set of configuration which does not
use high DMA.
(b) You need to add resource settings for new and existing legacy
(non-PnP) cards.
(c) You have changed the resource settings of your legacy cards.
(d) You have removed a legacy card from your system.
    Running CTCU helps to free the resources previously allocated to
the card.


    ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ /\O ~~ ~~ (_ phone:22-347804
  ___________________________) Marek Sokol
  mailto:marko_at_lords.com; mailto:msokol_at_polbox.pl

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