Zoltrix 33600 - caller ID

Autor: Tomek Bilski (tbilski_at_wlkp.ternet.pl)
Data: Wed 09 Apr 1997 - 01:13:40 MET DST

Czy jesli Zoltrix wystepuje w wersji RPI ( Rocwell RPI - based ) , to
jest szansa na dzialanie call Id ?
Jak sadze , wynika to z odpowiedzi customera z callid-a , na pytanie :
czy jakikol-
wiek Zoltrix obsluguje Call ID-a ?

Subject: Caller ID Pro 1.4
  Date: Tue, 8 Apr 1997 11:36:31 -0400
  From: Customer Support <support_at_callid.com>
    To: "'tbilski_at_wlkp.ternet.pl'" <tbilski_at_wlkp.ternet.pl>

Dear Tomek,

I just visited www.zoltrix.com, and I cannot determine anything
concrete about your modem's ability to handle caller id. It would
appear that if it is compatible that they use the Rockwell Chipset.
Have you tried setting up the program to use the Generic Rockwell

Best Regards,
Mark Wills
Excalibur Technologies, Inc.

E-mail: mark_at_callid.com
URL: http://www.callid.com

Tomek . 

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