VRGQuake - patch do Quake'a dla Virge'a

Autor: [QuaKeR] (bgates_at_microsoft.com)
Data: Tue 01 Apr 1997 - 17:55:58 MET DST

Dziś w sieci pojawiła się specjalna wersja Quake'a dla karty Virge. Umożliwia
ona uzyskanie ponad 30 klatek na sekundę na DX4/100 w 640x480 i 40-60 na
Pentium. Znaleźć go można na ftp.idsoftware.com, ale szybciej ściągnąć go z
ftp://ftp.chip.pl/Pub/Quake/Upload - plik vrgquake.zip (ok. 400 KB).

Oto fragment dokumentacji:
| VRGQuake.txt |
| VRGQuake documentation |
| 4/01/97 |

VRGQuake is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95
or Windows NT 4.0 or later with Virge 3D accelerator. You may experience
problems running VRGQUAKE on some systems, because driver and operating-
system support for game functionality are not yet mature under Win32, and
many bugs and incompatibilities remain in those components. If you
encounter what seems to be a bug, first please check through the list of
known problems, below. If your problem doesn't appear on the list, please
fill out and submit the VRGQUAKE bug report at
The material accompanying Quake is the reference for all non-Windows-
related matters concerning VRGQuake; in terms of gameplay, VRGQUAKE is the
same as Quake. This file contains Windows-related information only.

The rest of this document is organized as follows:

- Features of VRGQuake
- Installing and running VRGQuake
- Common problems and workarounds
- A bit about how VRGQUAKE video works
- Video command-line switches
- A bit about how VRGQUAKE sound works
- Sound command-line switches
- Notes on networking
- Notes on the mouse
- Special thanks

| Features of VRGQuake |
VRGQuake is able to display over 30 frames per second on DX/4 in 640X480
resolution and even more on Pentium processor.
VRGQuake comes with some special real-time effects such as
- shadowing
- transparent water and lava
- some textures acting as mirrors
- 24 bit color
- fog
- rain / snow in some levels (using _snow and _rain BSP entities)

| Installing and running VRGQuake |
In order to run VRGQuake, you must first have Quake installed. Assuming
Quake is installed in the standard directory, c:\quake, unzip the VRGQuake
zip file into c:\quake. The following files from the zip file must be
present in order for VRGQUAKE to run:
vrgquake.exe pmpro16.dll pmpro32.dll wdir16.dll wdir32.dll wdirnop.com
Then you can run VRGQuake by making c:\quake the current directory, typing
"vrguake" and pressing the Enter key.

   Michał Jaskólski [ jj_at_gdansk.sprint.pl ]
http://www.gdansk.sprint.pl/~jj/ [ homepage ]
http://www.gdansk.sprint.pl/~jj/jw23/ [ JWww23 ]
 -- Nie rób nic na siłę; weź większy młotek --

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 16:00:41 MET DST