Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Mon 18 Nov 1996 - 15:07:47 MET
According to netcraft survey,
M$ share of the internet moved from an October high of 9.52% DOWN
to 9.37%. This represents the total share of the 500,000+ internet
servers that are running the web today.
It also take into account the new IIS 2.0 that is bundled
with NT 4.0 server.
The leader of the Pack, Apache, went from 38.48% UP to 40.76%.
This represents all of those Linux boxes out there in the real
world ... yet to read the press reports, you would think that
99.998% of all web sites are running NT 4.0 / IIS 2.0, which
Bill himself wrote, and who has personakly set up each an every
web server. This is only fair, sicnce Bill himself invented
the Information Superhighway , which is the internet
that we know today.
If bill and his mates had never went without food and sleep
and money all those years ago in his garage, then the internet
would never have been invented,
and computers would all still have green screens.
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