Re: SNMP & Linux

Autor: Wojciech Myszka (
Data: Fri 10 Nov 1995 - 07:47:59 MET

10 Nov 1995, Wojtek Piecek pisal w odpowiedzi na list M. A. Polaka:

> Jest taki pakiet dla linuxa, nazywa sie cmu-snmp..... Warto sie pobawic,
> jest i klient i server na linuxa.
  Dodatkowo mozna (czy nawet nalezy) wspomniec o pakiecie snmx. Do
  niedawna byl na kilku serwerach w Polsce, ale dzis jakos zniknal :-(

  Trzeba siegac do zrodla:
  Wyciag z info "How To Obtain SNMX":

SNMX Versions are freely distributed by CyberPro International to
individuals and organizations, and currently available by anonymous FTP
from site. This version of SNMX includes the "libsnmx.a"
library, MIB compiler, ASN.1 definitions for local MIBs, documentation,
and various example scripts demonstrating SNMX usage both as a manager and

Individuals interested in marketing or reselling SNMX should contact
CyberPro for more information. SNMX is protected by copyright laws of the
United States, and cannot be resold or distributed by any company or
individual without written permission.

The following specific platforms are currently supported:

      Silicon Graphics, Inc.
      IBM AIX
      SCO Release 3
      DECStation Ultrix
      Harris Night Hawk
      HP Apollo
      HP 9000 HP-UX

Individuals and organizations interested in expanding this list are
encouraged to contact CyberPro International to have SNMX ported to their
particular platform.

Brought to you by CyberPro


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