Re: Jaka siec

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Tue 10 Oct 1995 - 09:04:54 MET

Fragment z WARP Wire


 We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Art Olbert, Vice
 of LAN Systems, on a variety of topics that affect OS/2 Warp and LAN
 Server products:

 WW: What is your overall view of the industry?

 AO: We have a tendency to look at desktops and clients as similar to
      servers. This isn't true from a technological perspective, nor
      from a marketing perspective.

      Novell is the current leader in the server industry. But with so
      many changes taking place in the industry, the marketplace is in
      turmoil and Novell's position is at risk. This presents IBM and
      others with the opportunity to overtake Novell.

 WW: What are some of the changes taking place, and how do they
      our position in the marketplace?

 AO: LANs today are predominantly workgroup sales. This year,
      three-quarters of our (server) sales have been for LAN Server
      Entry, our workgroup product. OS/2 products are also strong in
      the area of Enterprise Sales, an area where Novell is weak.
      this week, we're announcing a Beta of Directory and Security
      Services (DSS), a feature that's very important to the

      One important trend in the market is the shift from simple file
      and print servers to application servers. NetWare products are
      good file and print servers, but poor application servers.
      OS/2 is an excellent application server, and is in fact the
      in this market.

      Another shift that's occurring is away from writing procedural
      applications to object-oriented applications. This is important
      because Novell's Netware doesn't support distributed objects;
      OS/2 will, and so will Windows NT. We have already demoed DSOM
      (Distributed Systems Objects Model) on OS/2 platforms.

      Finally, we are moving away from piece packages toward
      packages. Today, a complete server system is usually assembled
      using "pieces" from different sources. For example, you could
      an operating system from one vendor, file and print management
      someone else, and systems management services from other
      By offering an integrated package of basic server functions, we
      give our customers the option to choose a single product from
      a single vendor. OS/2 Warp Server (currently in Beta testing)
      is our integrated offering.

      All these changes bode well for OS/2 products because we are
      well positioned to take advantage of them.

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