Re: Transputer i860

Autor: Jan Rychter (
Data: Fri 29 Sep 1995 - 14:02:18 MET

Marcin Laszewski ( napisal:
> Czy ktos z Was ma doswiadczenia z karta z procesorem i860 ?
> Jesli tak to prosze o kontakt.

  Nie dokladnie z karta - tylko z plytami dwuprocesorowymi Hauppauge.
Ale na liscie dysk. (patrz ponizej) jest sporo osob z kartami.
Przypuszczam ze chodzi Ci o ta karte ktora swego czasu probowalem
wynegocjowac od Was - bez rezultatu. A szkoda, wyglada na to ze macie
cale niezbedne oprogramowanie i dokumentacje, ktorych mi brakuje. No,
ale dobrze ze przynajmniej nie bedzie sluzyc za zbieracz do kurzu.
  Ja w tej chwili pracuje nad GNU GAS na i860, a moj znajomy nad
sterownikiem do Linuxa umozliwiajacym uruchamianie na i860 programow.
Zapraszamy do wspolpracy :-)
  Przy okazji: moze jest ktos w .pl kto rozumie jak dzialaja GNU
binutils, bfd i relokacje ? :-)

  Moze podrzuce ogloszenie ktore swego czasu zamieszczalem w


  A new mailing list has been created. List info follows:


  This list is intended for general discussion about the Intel i860(R)
processor and everything related to it (coprocessor boards,
development tools, etc.). It was created because while looking around
for an i860 assembler I noticed there are many people scattered around
the world who do have i860's but not development tools for it. I
intend to work on GNU gas support for the i860 and Linux kernel
support for the Hauppauge 4860 motherboard. However, many other
projects may be undertaken.

  Everybody is invited to participate -- there seems to be a general lack
of information about the i860 on the Internet.

  Notice also that the Intel i960(R) is an _entirely_ different
processor, having almost nothing to do with the i860.

  This list has nothing to do with Intel Corporation. It is not
sponsored, supported or otherwise affiliated with Intel Corporation.

i860 and i960 are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.


  If you want to subscribe to the list, send mail to


  subscribe i860

in the message body.

Jan Rychter, <>
IRC: Youhou

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