Data: Sat 18 May 2002 - 00:01:13 MET DST
Napisałem list do Serenity,ale nie wiem czy ktoś z grupowiczów nie pisał już
w tej sprawie.
Proszę nie śmiać się z "jakości" mojego angielskiego,ale szkołę skończyłem
Przytaczam list w całości :
Caldera Systems
I am the owner of the OS/2 Warp4 pl(Polish)version.
I would like to purchase the eCS upgrate, but there is no Polish version
All the accessories add to eCS are unimportant for me because I do not need
them and I won't use them at all.I can use those from OS/2 Warp Pl.
Why does the company not offer eCS version withaut any accessories ( or even
an upgrate )?
I propose to name it - eCS sv ( small version )!
How much would be the eCS sv ? ( withaut any additional programs )
I suppose that such a version would be very popular with many users in
I am looking forward to a reply from You.
Oczywiście otrzymałem szybką odpowiedź.Ona powinna / tak sądzę / wzbudzić
zainteresowanie szersze.
Odpowiedź z Serenity :
On Thu, 16 May 2002 23:51:38 +0200, W.K.Osieccy wrote:
>I propose to name it - eCS sv ( small version )!
With the next release, we plan an eCS upgrade from Warp4 which
will have almost no royalty bearing software ... and will retail
for under $90 US (full product, which will include a Warp 4
license will cost approximately $200 US). The first version of
this is likely to come out in Russian.
If there is demand, we would look at a Polish version. The way
the Russian version came about was a contact in Russia asked us
for permission to create a Russian eCS. We gave them the right
to translate, manufacture, and sell the product. We support them
and we charge them a royalty for each copy sold.
We would consider a similar arrangement in a Polish business
partner is there is one who would see this as an opportunity.
Bob St.John
Dir, New Business Development
Serenity Systems International
a Managed Systems company
214 222-3414, ext 101 (outside USA)
888 299-6483, ext 101 (USA only)
Odpowiedź z Mensys :
We *are* releasing such a version in a while, when we launch eComStation 1.1
there will be a 'light' edition which is not much more than the MCP2
plus the eComStation GUI enhancements + installer. It will lack all other
add-ons except Hoblink.
The price of this version, as an upgrade from Warp 4 will be (likely) below
100 USD.
Thanks for your interest,
Joachim Benjamins
| Mensys BV - eComStation Support Desk |
| Joachim Benjamins | Email: |
| Crayenestersingel 65 | Phone: +31-23-5482020 |
| 2012 PG Haarlem | Fax : +31-23-5482030 |
| The Netherlands | www : |
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