Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Mon 01 Jan 2001 - 23:21:06 MET
Ja sie pewnie zglosze, ktos jeszcze? :>
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I'm writing to you since I found your name and e-mail address on the OS/2 Poland
homepage. Currently now OS2 World.Com is building up a network with local
regional contact persons for the site and as well for the OS2 community to be used. The
local regional contact would be the one to be contacted and also the
one who would once a while write couple of lines about whats going on in located
region. The idea is to communicate that there are actually stuff happening
other places than German and US.
So my humble questions would be if You know anyone that would be of interest of
participating in this network. It might even be You self, I don't know. But,
please let me know what You think about the idea and if you're able to help me out. For
the latest contact list, please check out http:
Thanks in advance for taking Your time!
Best Regards,
Kim Haverblad
OS2 World.Com
Stockholm, Sweden
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Lech Wiktor Piotrowski | ICQ#: 50746253 |
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster -
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