Autor: Jan Bieńkowski (
Data: Thu 16 Nov 2000 - 19:42:41 MET
Dotąd wszystkie problemy z OS/2 (niewiele ich było) udało mi się rozwiązać
samodzielnie. Ale teraz nie mam pomysłu.
Mam dysk 12 GB SCSI ST 303121 A z kontrolerem HPT 366. Ściągnąłem nowy
sterownik Danis506 ( z marca). Podmieniłem pliki na drugiej dyskietce.
Wczytywanie dyskietek bez problemu, potem wybieram zaawansowaną. Po
odpaleniu fdisk zgłasza jakiś błąd w boot sectorze ale widzi cały dysk. Nie
mogę tylko utworzyć żadnej partycji ani zaznaczyć żadnej jako instalacyjną.
Teraz parę słów o konfiguracji dysku:
1. primary FAT 219 MB
2. primary FAT 808 MB
3. partycja rozszerzona
NTFS 5 2048MB
NTFS 5 4996 MB
NTFS 5 4337 MB
Na końcu wiadomości jest info o partycjach
Te partycje NTFS są widziane jako jedna nieformatowana typu F. Po najechaniu
na jakąkolwiek partycję fdisk może ją wyłącznie usunąć. Pod W'2000 wszytsko
jest w porządku. Mam testową wersję Partition Magic'a 6 ten przy odpaleniu
zgłosił błąd a następnie go skorygował.
Moim zdaniem problem jest wynika z tego że zmieniałem rozmiar partycji FAT z
1027MB do 219MB pod Ranish Partition Manager. Ale pod nim wszytsko było OK.
Nie wiem co z tym zrobić OS/2 teraz bardzo potrzebuję ne chcę usuwać żadnych
partycji bo mam na nich zbyt dużo cennych danych.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc.
Disk Geometry Information for Disk 2: 1583 Cylinders, 255 Heads, 63
System PartSect # Boot BCyl Head Sect FS ECyl Head Sect
StartSect NumSects
NO NAME 0 0 80 0 1 1 06 28 3 54
63 450,000
Error #108: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.
ucEndHead expected to be 254, not 3.
Error #108: Partition didn't end on cylinder boundary.
ucEndSector expected to be 63, not 54.
NO NAME 0 1 00 28 3 55 06 130 254 63
450,063 1,654,452
Error #105: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.
ucBeginHead expected to be 0 or 1, not 3.
Error #106: Partition didn't begin on head boundary.
ucBeginSector expected to be 1, not 55.
0 2 00 131 0 1 0F 1023 254 63
2,104,515 23,310,315
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
0 2 00 131 0 1 0F 1581 254 63 2104515 23310315
2,104,515 0 00 131 1 1 07 391 254 63
2,104,578 4,192,902
2,104,515 1 00 392 0 1 05 1023 254 63
6,297,480 10,233,405
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
2104515 1 00 392 0 1 05 1028 254 63 6297480 10233405
6,297,480 0 00 392 1 1 07 1023 254 63
6,297,543 10,233,342
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
6297480 0 00 392 1 1 07 1028 254 63 6297543 10233342
6,297,480 1 00 1023 0 1 05 1023 254 63
16,530,885 8,883,945
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
6297480 1 00 1029 0 1 05 1581 254 63 16530885 8883945
16,530,885 0 00 1023 1 1 07 1023 254 63
16,530,948 8,883,882
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Actual values are:
16530885 0 00 1029 1 1 07 1581 254 63 16530948 8883882
Partition Information for Disk 2: 12,417.4 Megabytes
Volume PartType Status Size MB PartSect # StartSect
TotalSects UsedSects FreeSects
C:NO NAME FAT16B Pri,Boot 219.7 0 0 63
450,000 450,000 0
Y:NO NAME FAT16B Pri 807.8 0 1 450,063
1,654,452 1,654,452 0
ExtendedX Pri 11,381.10 0 2 2,104,515
23,310,315 23,310,315 0
EPBR Log 2,047.3 None -- 2,104,515
4,192,965 4,192,965 0
E: NTFS Log 2,047.3 2,104,515 0 2,104,578
4,192,902 4,192,902 0
EPBR Log 4,996.8 2,104,515 1 6,297,480
10,233,405 10,233,405 0
G: NTFS Log 4,996.7 6,297,480 0 6,297,543
10,233,342 10,233,342 0
EPBR Log 4,337.9 6,297,480 1 16,530,885
8,883,945 8,883,945 0
H: NTFS Log 4,337.8 16,530,885 0 16,530,948
8,883,882 8,883,882 0
Free Space Pri 7.8 None -- 25,414,830
16,065 0 16,065
Boot Record for drive C: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 63, Type: FAT)
1. Jump: EB 3C 90
2. OEM Name: MSDOS5.0
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 64
5. Reserved Sectors: 1
6. Number of FAT's: 2
7. Root Dir Entries: 512
8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 129
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Big Total Sectors: 450000 (0x6DDD0)
15. Drive ID: 0x80
16. Dirty Flag: 0x00
17. Extended boot Sig: 0x29
18. Serial Number: 0x184F14D7
19. Volume Name: NO NAME
20. File System Type: FAT16
21. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive Y: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 450,063, Type: FAT)
1. Jump: EB 3C 90
2. OEM Name: MSDOS5.0
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 32
5. Reserved Sectors: 1
6. Number of FAT's: 2
7. Root Dir Entries: 512
8. Total Sectors: 0 (0x0)
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 202
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 450063 (0x6DE0F)
14. Big Total Sectors: 1654452 (0x193EB4)
15. Drive ID: 0x80
16. Dirty Flag: 0x00
17. Extended boot Sig: 0x29
18. Serial Number: 0x38D8C09A
19. Volume Name: NO NAME
20. File System Type: FAT16
21. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive E: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 2,104,578, Type:
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 1
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 4192901
17. MFT Start Cluster: 2443617
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 2443650
19. Clusters per FRS: 2
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 8
21. Serial Number: 0x188C31528C312B9E
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive G: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 6,297,543, Type:
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 10233341
17. MFT Start Cluster: 4
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 639583
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0xA294878694875C23
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
Boot Record for drive H: (Drive: 2, Starting sector: 16,530,948, Type:
1. Jump: EB 52 90
2. OEM Name: NTFS
3. Bytes per Sector: 512
4. Sectors per Cluster: 8
5. Reserved Sectors: 0
6. Number of FATs: 0
7. Root Dir Entries: 0
8. Total Sectors: 0
9. Media Descriptor: 0xF8
10. Sectors per FAT: 0
11. Sectors per Track: 63 (0x3F)
12. Number of Heads: 255 (0xFF)
13. Hidden Sectors: 63 (0x3F)
14. Total Sectors (>32MB): 0 (0x0)
15. Unused: 0x80008000
16. Total NTFS Sectors: 8883881
17. MFT Start Cluster: 4
18. MFT Mirror Start Clust: 555242
19. Clusters per FRS: 246
20. Clusters per Index Blk: 1
21. Serial Number: 0xAA10E69D10E66FAD
22. Checksum: 0 (0x0)
23. Boot Signature: 0xAA55
-- pozdrawiam Jan Bieńkowski GSM +48 606 267 197 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ webmaster ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
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