Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Thu 05 Oct 2000 - 23:15:37 MET DST
Dzisiaj rozmawialem z niejakim |lou| (nazwiska nie pamietam) - to jeden z glownych od
Odina i chyba rowniez od Warpstock Europe...
[22:12:17] <|lou|> maybe next Warpstock is in Poland
-> heheh
[22:12:28] <|lou|> it's Warpstock Europe, not Warpstock Germany so we're also looking
for locations in other countries
[22:12:35] <|lou|> and Poland will soon be part of the EU
-> not so soon, I guess ;)
[22:12:49] <TimurWork> There was a Warpstock Meditteranean in Spain a couple
weeks ago
Hmm, na razie to science-fiction, ale... :)
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski | ICQ#: 50746253 |
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