Autor: Adi Cherryson (
Data: Wed 21 Jun 2000 - 10:06:48 MET DST
Użytkownik Rafał Zawiślak <> w wiadomości do grup
dyskusyjnych napisał
> Wiadomośc za Macarlo []
> OS/2 Warp 4.0 for Free!!
> Yes you read right. Now you can have Warp 4.0 for free (or at least
> the cost of the magazine). Australian Personal Computer Magazine to
> has included Warp 4.0 along with Red Hat Linux 6.2 and BeOS personal
> edition on their cover CD. It also included HPFs drivers for DOS, NT,
> Linux and BeOS as well as StarOffice for OS/2.
> zdrówko
> --
> rafii
> icq: 22797583
Czy to jest mozliwe , a moze to kaczka dziennikarska
To byloby piekne, gdyby os/2 v.4.0 za free ale chyba juz nie bedzie
supportu w postaci nowych fixow :-((
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