Autor: Jacek Piskozub (
Data: Sun 21 May 2000 - 22:23:42 MET DST
Cztery dni temu IBM oglosil zakonczenie supportu OS/2 etapami zasadniczo
w ciagu najblizszego roku. Podaje to tu, bo jakos nikt tego jakby nie
Cytuje za
> An IBM spokesman said there will be no more 'fixpacks' for
> client software after 31 January 2001, and for servers after
> 31 May 2001. Updates for Workspace On Demand will cease
> on 31 January 2002. Support will continue in what IBM called
> "special-bid, fee-based service extension, and total content
> offering defect support for selected OS/2 products and
> components".
Dalej IBM zaleca zmiane systemu operacyjnego:
> "IBM wants its customers to deploy ebusiness technology
> applications concurrently with existing OS/2 applications until
> platform neutrality has been achieved, and then change the
> operating system," said the spokesman.
Tak wiec skladam serdeczne kondolencje,
-- Jacek Piskozub Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot, Poland email: WWW:
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