Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Sat 13 May 2000 - 16:06:00 MET DST
On Sat, 13 May 2000 14:07:53 +0200 (MET DST), Przemysław Pawełczyk wrote:
>IBM has been running win32 apps under OS/2 inhouse almost since
>Win95 came out. The only thing they need to do to make that
>support available to end users, from a "technical" point of view
>is to burn the CDs. If things don't go well in court, IBM may
>take a closer look at the ODIN approach, but right now ODIN is
>not technically "up there." The updated WINOS2 with win32
>support is already finished and fully tested inhouse, and fully
>implemented code. ODIN is alpha level. Obviously, given a
>choice in the matter IBM will go with what they've finished
>rather than working on a new solution that isn't finished. The
>updated WINOS2 approach also provides greater security against
>ill behaved Windows programs bringing down the system.
Czyli to jednak prawda... Zastanawiam sie tylko, jaka jest wydajnosc tej maszynki... I...
ciagle mam jednak pewne watpliwosci co do jej istnienia. Warezowcy powinni to miec
jednak od dawna, nic nie jest tak dobrze zabezpieczone, zeby tego nie dostali...
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski | ICQ#: 50746253 |
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