Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (
Data: Sat 13 May 2000 - 14:03:46 MET DST
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=> From: "Karen Mansbridge-Wood" <>
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=> Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 07:07:46 -0600 (MDT)
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=> Subject: Re: IBM Announcements and Other Stuff
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On Thu, 11 May 2000 20:20:24 -0600, wrote:
>There is little doubt that IBM, at the top, has written off OS/2,
I doubt that very much indeed. I think there is little doubt
that IBM, at the top, understands that it made some serious
errors early on that has compromised OS/2 place in the
marketplace, but I've yet to see any evidence that IBM, at the
top, has written off OS/2. They still see it as the solution of
choice for large corporations and governments. They recognize
that the lack of compatibility with win32 apps make it
contraindicated for most if not all small businesses and end
users. Until they are free to provide that compatibility they
will not be marketing it aggressively.
>We just have to spend less time lamenting the loss, and more time enjoying
>OS/2, enhancing it, and trying to get others to do the same. When you find
>out your old friend is going to die soon, you don't walk away from him,
>you get the most you can from his life, and you do what you can to extend
>that life.
OS/2 isn't dying, isn't dead, isn't in any danger of being
killed, either slowly or quickly, now or in the future. The
only thing that has happened is that IBM has taken a step back
in terms of marketing until it can do what needs to be done to
make OS/2 marketable to the small business and end user:
provide support for win32 apps so that users aren't victimized
by the relative lack of OS/2 proprietary software.
>I'm not sure how that sounded, but I think its a good analogy :-) Let the
>quitters quit. Who cares?
To be honest I don't think it's a good analogy at all. IBM is
continually updating and improving OS/2. It is continually
providing new hardware support. It *is* planning to make OS/2
more of a factor in the marketplace to come. It is also laying
low while the courts deal with MS, which is more or less exactly
what it *should* do.
The people who are quiting are quiting because OS/2 does *not,*
in it's current release, provide what they want. It is also
possible that some of them will never be pleased by it. So be
it. Don't use it. But for God's sake there is enough of that
silly old "OS/2 is dead" nonsense coming from MS sources without
satisfied OS/2 users joining the chorus. It is *not* dead.
You know what the fans of MS are going to be saying when OS/2
includes support for win32 apps? They're going to insist that
IBM only did it to make it easier to make the cross over to an
MS operating system. They are going to insist that when the
sales figures double and triple it means nothing and represents
only a tiny fraction of the marketshare. They are going to
continue to use MS' sales figures which include counting
multi-user licenses of Windows as multiple sales, preloads that
are fdisked out of existence as sales, dual boot and boot manage
users as Windows users exclusively, etc. Those who want to
believe that OS/2 is on its last legs are going to believe it no
matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. They believe
it now in spite of a massive quantity of evidence to the
IBM *does* listen to its customers. If you support OS/2, tell IBM:
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