Autor: mbs (
Data: Sun 16 Apr 2000 - 02:59:46 MET DST
Wojciech Smagowicz wrote:
> At a Glance
> Features
> IBM will provide annual refreshes of:
> OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business components
> Software Choice features such as:
> Browser
> TCP/IP enhancements
> Updated collection of device drivers
> Benefits
> Enhancements will focus on:
> e-business enablers
> Most current FixPak level
> Supported from its delivery date through December 31 of the
> following calendar year
> Overview
> With OS/2 (R) customers in mind, IBM plans to expand delivery of
> enhancements via IBM Software Choice.
> Software Choice now consolidates OS/2 offerings in Convenience Packages
> which include:
> Refreshes of OS/2 Warp 4 and OS/2 Warp Server for e-business
> components
> Software Choice features, such as Browser, Java (TM) Virtual
> Machine (JVM), and TCP/IP enhancements
> Updated collection of device drivers
> OS/2 Warp Client and Server updates will be delivered with available
> fixes (FixPaks) already applied. The most
> current e-business enhancements will be included as well.
> The Convenience Packages are additional offerings available to customers
> who have either a Software Subscription
> under Passport Advantage or an IBM Software Choice subscription.
> Over the next two years, the Convenience Packages will be provided
> annually. The Convenience Packages will only be
> provided on CD-ROMs.
> The first Convenience Package is planned for November 30, 2000. There is
> no additional charge.
> Support will be provided for each annual Convenience Package effective
> with the initial availability through December
> 31 of the following year.
> Planned Availability Date
> November 30, 2000
> ------------------------------
> Czyli nie bêdzie nowej wersji klienta jawnej
> Tylko ma³ymi $$ kroczkami $$
> --
> Wojciech Smagowicz
I to jest te¾ dobre. S¥ w teorii zarz¥dzania tego rodzaju schematy
post©powania - czasami skuteczne - warunek to doskonaˆy wyr¢b - tu ma to
miejsce , lecz przeciwnik wie jak sprzeda† to czego nie potrafiˆ dobrze
zrobi† i w tym problem. Caˆy pic le¾y w poparciu medi¢w - wyobra¾cie
sobie, ¾e tytuˆ doskonaˆego wyrobu jakiego˜ tam pisma daje np. danemu
perfumowi 20 krotny wzrost sprzeda¾y! A co pisaˆ PC-Word w momencie
przemiery windy?
Win-95 zwyci©zc¥ - czy co˜ takiego - komu si© to opˆaca?
Napewno nie konsumentom, bo nam nie pˆac¥ za takie informacje.
Co zrobi† z pras¥? Zbieram niezgodno˜ci publikacji z faktami i wszelkie
przegi©cia - mo¾e szanowni paästwo co˜ te¾ znale«li-
prosz© na priva
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