Autor: Marcin P. Ciaszczyk (
Data: Thu 24 Feb 2000 - 16:30:41 MET
Moze sie spoznie, ale znalazlem dopiero dzisiaj - jezeli ktos jeszcze
ma problemy z pronewsem to na hobbesie lezy patch poprawiajacy date i
okolice (w polscie
pewnie i tak macie juz ale proforma pisze :)
Aha - sprawdzcie wczesniej, czy macie w help/Product information Build
What's fixed.
1) Replies to posts after Jan 1 2000 will contain the correct date and
the correct day.
2) Posts made and downloaded after Jan 1 2000 will no longer be
deleted immediately by the "Purge" process if you specify a number of
3) Group/Refresh Newsgroup list... will now send 2 character years to
the server as specified by RFC 977.
[koniec cytata]
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