Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (
Data: Thu 03 Feb 2000 - 20:18:41 MET
Zadalem proste pytanie, i uzyskalem odpowiedz ponizej.
z tego co zauwazylem trzeba by poszukac modulu REXXIPC , pewnie jest
do sciagniecia na sunsite.
w katalogu (chyba tak)
jest katalog dev/rexx a w nim . pewnie tam to siedzi :)
a teraz udzielona mi odpowiedz: wrote:
> Trevor sez, Grzegorz Szyszlo <> keyed the following on Thu, 3 Feb 2000 18:26:17:
> >
> > How can I use named pipes in REXX programs?
> >
> Well, it is hardly a one-line-answerable topic! Pipes can get *very* interesting.
> Here is a short sample demonstration that reads the output of the SETI_at_home monitor "Ellie":
> Part 1 (load the IPC DLL):
> /* Load REXX InterProcess Comunications */
> IF RxFuncQuery('IPCLoadFuncs') THEN
> DO
> If RxFuncAdd('IPCLoadFuncs','RexxIPC','IPCLoadFuncs') Then
> DO
> SAY "Could not load RexxUtil"
> end
> Call IPCLoadFuncs
> return 0
> Part 2 (the pipe works):
> /* A REXX attempt to use a named pipe */
> if LoadIPC() then exit 16
> signal on HALT name killer
> PipeName = '\PIPE\ELLIE\PERC' /* The Ellie document file gives this as the '% Complete' statistic. */
> rc = PipeCreate('Handlevar',PipeName,'Inbound')
> do forever
> call PipeConnect Handlevar
> if result \= 0 then signal PipeConnectError
> do forever
> call PipeRead Handlevar, 'request'
> if request = '' then leave
> say request
> end
> call PipeDisconnect Handlevar
> end /* do */
> killer:
> rc = PipeClose(Handlevar)
> say 'Ellie let go of my pipe!'
> I suggest VIEW REXXIPC.INF for additonal information.
> =Dwight=
> X1=L, X2=L & the domain is phonetic
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