Autor: Andrzej J. Piotrowski (
Data: Thu 06 Jan 2000 - 17:23:24 MET
Hehe, ale ma lotus predkosc odpowiadania na maile... Po tresci powinniscie sie
domyslic, kiedy zadawane bylo pytanie :)
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Is there a demo version of Smart Suite for OS/2? I want to download it,
but I can not find it. Why there is only word Pro for OS/2 an Free Lance
for OS/2, and other
are for Windows? Everybody want to use all or nothing for OS/2, like a Star
Office. Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
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Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster
OS / 2 = Win ^ 98 <=> Win > 1
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