Autor: Przemyslaw Dobrowolski (
Data: Sun 09 May 1999 - 13:01:10 MET DST
On Sun, 9 May 1999 10:09:55, (Lech Wiktor
Piotrowski) wrote:
> Milo spojrzec, szkoda, ze jeszcze mnostwo linkow nie dziala... :P
> A swoja droga, jestem ciekawy, skad sie wziela ta nazwa projektu?
Masz tu kilka forwardów:
>>Odin ("The Norse god of wisdom, war, art, culture, and the dead
>> and the supreme deity and creator of the cosmos and human
>> beings")
>And more I think of Odin, it looks better to me. I especially liked
>"odd in" resemblance, and Odin also rhymes with Win, has O at the
>begining, is partial anagram of Windows... and it just sounds cool,
>prestigious, noble... :)
--- *Przemek/2* - Asua OS/2 Programmers
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