Autor: Jurek Kowalski (
Data: Thu 06 May 1999 - 16:29:25 MET DST
Grzegorz Szyszlo wrote:
> > a najlepiej, to czy w koncu bedzie klient aurory, czy tez nie?
> trudno powiedziec. ibm sie zadeklarowal ze sie zajmie linuxem.
No coz, chyba nie az tak ;-)
Jak czytalem:
There will be theoretically a new OS/2-Client, but won't be
delivered on a seperate CD or box (unequivocal statement of
IBM). It will be possible to get this client with
fix-updates and Software-Choice, that will give the
WARP-Client all (!) new functions (incl. JFS. NFS, SMP,...).
The second possibility is to install a 'new OS/2-Client' via
CID (there will be a whitepaper and aRebook from IBM about that)
from the Aurora-CD!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ podkreslenie moje :)
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