Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Wed 05 May 1999 - 18:45:28 MET DST
Hmm, oferta stardocku prezentuje sie bardzo ciekawie!!! Teraz trzeba ustalic, co kto
chcialby kupowac i kto bylby odpowiedzialny za odbiorke oprogramowania. Ja na
poczatku najchetniej bym kupil OD 2.0 :)
==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
-----Original Message-----
From: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, May 05, 1999 9:32 AM
Subject: OS/2 User Group Promotion
>Dear Sir,
>TeamOS/2 Poland, which I am representing is probably interested in
participating in
>your promotion, but first, we have to know what are the details.
>1. What software you could offer?
>2. How many buyers form one group do you need?
>3. What is the price reduction?
>Thank you in advice,
>Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
Hi Lech,
Thanks for inquiring about our special pricing program for User Groups. I
think we have setup a plan that should be quite appealing. Here are the
OS/2 User Group Discount Program
The basic plan is to provide our software at a discounted price to members
of OS/2 users groups to help promote the value of the user group and OS/2
software itself. In order to do this we will be providing your user group
with two plans:
Plan A will be the best discount program with savings up to 50%. To qualify
for this program there needs to be a minimum order of 5 units for the a
specified product in order to get the plan A pricing.
Plan B will be tailored for the more individual orders and smaller user
groups where the products can be ordered in quantities of 1 or more with
a savings of up to 30%
Here are the pricing structures that we have set up.
(Please excuse the formatting as it may not come out properly in email)
Product Retail Plan A Plan B
Trials of Battle $19.95 $10 $14
Avarice $39.95 $20 $28
Entrepreneur $29.95 $15 $21
Ent: Corporate Exp $19.95 $10 $14
GalCiv Gold $39.95 $20 $28
Object Desktop v1.5 $39.95 $10 $20
Object Desktop v2 $89.95 $45 $63
OD1.5 -> ODv2 $69.95 $45 $55
OD Pro -> ODv2 $39.95 $30 $35
Process Commander $49.95 $30 $38
OS2 Essentials v2 $39.95 $15 $18
+ shipping charges
Shipping charges for orders in the United States or Canada will be as
Number of Products Price
1 - 5 $7
6-20 $13
21-50 $25
51-100 $45
Since shipping to other countries vary greatly in price we will have to work
out shipping charges individually for each country on an as need basis.
We will require payments to be made in full prior to the shipping of any
order. Payment can be made via Visa, Master Card, Money Order
or Certified Check in US Funds.
In order to maintain the integrity of the program we will require that all
shipments be sent the President or a designated member of the user group.
And that person will be responsible for delivering the software to the
members that order the software.
To help make this work best for everyone we ask that you try and gather
as many as orders as possible before placing any orders.
If there are any additional questions please feel free to ask.
Patrick Ford
Sales Manager
===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster
OS / 2 = Win ^ 98 <=> Win > 1
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:22:08 MET DST