Autor: Leszek Kubrak (
Data: Wed 05 May 1999 - 06:49:20 MET DST
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==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
Attention OS/2 User Group Presidents, Stardock Systems is
implementing a special program in an effort to bring
software to your user group members at a reduced price.
If you are interested in participating in the program or
would like more details please contact Patrick Ford at or 734-762-0687 x 227
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on
WarpCast, visit:
===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================
Leszek KUBRAK <>
P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 tel.(0-12)425-04-40
31-941 KRAKÓW fax.(0-12)425-04-41
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:22:08 MET DST