Autor: Leszek Kubrak (
Data: Fri 30 Apr 1999 - 09:33:10 MET DST
IBM ViaVoice for Linux Brings Speech
Recognition to Linux Environments
IBM ViaVoice* for Linux** is the first commercial
speech recognition technology to be ported to the
Linux environment. ViaVoice for Linux includes a
beta of the Software Developer Kit, a Runtime Kit,
and open-source sample applications. Red Hat
Software will distribute ViaVoice for Linux as
part of its Linux 6.0 Application CD.
Leszek KUBRAK <>
P.U.I. "InfoKub" tel.0-602-221956
os.Kolorowe 25/5 tel.(0-12)425-04-40
31-941 KRAKÓW fax.(0-12)425-04-41
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