Autor: Jan Stożek (
Data: Sun 18 Apr 1999 - 12:48:21 MET DST
Od czasu do czasu pojawiają się pytania dotyczące kupowania
rozmaitych rzeczy do Warpa - i samego Warpa. Tymczasem na Warpcaście
pojawiło się to:
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Source: Timur Tabi (
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (
It appears to me there are lots of people who want to buy
OS/2 software and books and OS/2-compatible hardware, but
don't know where to find it or don't want to pay full price.
I think most of these people don't know about eBay.
eBay ( is an online auction web site.
They have tons of stuff for sale there, and the prices are
usually very low, especially for not-so-popular items like
anything OS/2-related. To see what OS/2-related products
are available, go to,
type in "os/2" in the "Title Search" section and click on
"Search". You can also select "Order by Ending Date
descending" to see what's new, and you can select "Search
Title AND Description" to get a much larger list of anything
that might be related to OS/2.
Some items I've seen recently:
OS/2 Warp Server Advanced for $100
OS/2 Warp 3 for $5
OS/2 Warp 4 for $50
Watcom VX-REXX for $10
A rare OS/2 video from IBM for $10.
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Nie wiem, na ile ta sprawa jest wiarygodna - jeszcze z niej nie
-- Pozdrawiam, Jan. PS. Mój adres: nowhere = Polbox.
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:21:45 MET DST