Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Sun 04 Apr 1999 - 11:38:26 MET DST
On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 23:30:51 +0200 (CEST), Przemyslaw Dobrowolski wrote:
>>You'd have to admit that OS/2 going 64 bit is a
>>remote possibility.
>Ha! It'll never happen. There's no one left at IBM Austin to do the
>Most of the OS/2 programmers have left IBM already. For instance, the
>development team has been disbanded, so there's no one at IBM working
>OS/2 drivers (which causes a real problem when they need some).
Pewnie jestem zbytnim optymista - jednak uwazam, ze to w duzym stopniu bzdura,
poniewaz za duzo wychodzi nowych driverow - USB, odswiezone drukarki itp.
Pozatym prace na Communicatroem 4.5 i nad paroma innymi rzeczami.... Ja poki co nie
poddaje sie powszechnemu sceptycyzmowi :)
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster
OS / 2 = Win ^ 98 <=> Win > 1
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