Autor: Bartosz Tomasik (Bart/2) (
Data: Tue 30 Mar 1999 - 22:12:52 MET DST
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>Subject: [WarpCast] Future of OS/2
>From: "WarpCast News Service" <>
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When you gotta have it done right now. Set, see and change the
priority of your OS/2 apps for better performance. Set foreground
priority, run a list with a single button and more with
Priority Master II Version 2.5 Free fully functional demo available.
****************************** WarpCast ******************************
Source: Adrian Gschwend (
Moderator: Dirk Terrell (
This is a very important message about the future of Win32-OS/2 (aka
PE2LX). I think most of you know the program, if not check
Since the old project team closed developement of it, we at OS/2
Netlabs hope to provide an enhanced version of this program. Some *big*
(and I mean big) OS/2 customers contacted me and they asked wheter it
is possible to enhance it very soon. The goal is very big, it is to get
Microsoft Office running on OS/2.
I think this is definitely not easy, also because it looks like OS/2
itself is not able to provide all we need (512MB memory limit).
If we are able to provide this we can reach that the last big OS/2
customers stay on OS/2 in the future, if it is not possbible they have
to switch to NT...
I know they could also use other programs than MS Office, this is not
my decission so don't say they should use StarOffice or something like
this. It looks like they can't/don't want use it. The only thing they
need is a new version of PE2LX.
Actually there are some teams working on serveral things, for example
EverBlue and I think there will also be a port of WINE for OS/2 in the
near future. To do this we need a lot of manpower and know how.
=> If you are able to support this project, please join the new
mailing list about it. We have to decide *very* soon whether this is
possible or not. Please join this list if you are able to support us or
if you see problems we might have. I don't want to say we will do it if
it is not possible. Please *do not* subscribe to the list if you just
want to see what happens, for sure we will keep you up to date through
the web. OS advocacy is also *not* welcome on this list.
This would be one of the biggest OS/2 projects ever, but maybe this
could really be a milestone in the future of OS/2.
Give it a try and join the list, we need every developer we can get!!!
The mailinglist is available at
OS/2 Netlabs:
More information about the whole project is available at the
mailinglist. For sure you are welcome to send this message to all OS/2
users you know, we need every support we can get to do this.
Hope to see you there!
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or for more information on
WarpCast, visit:
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