Autor: Leszek Gerwatowski (
Data: Tue 30 Mar 1999 - 15:11:37 MET DST
In article <>, Malgorzata Liszewska wrote:
>Hello everybody!
>Czy ktos z szanownych Kolegow ma przez przypadek plik o nazwie
>epmkwds.f90 sluzacy do podswietlania slow kluczowych w Fortranie i
>moglby mi go przeslac? Nigdzie nie moge go znalezc.
>Dzieki z gory i pozdrowienia
Oto co napisali na obcojęzycznej liście:
>Has anyone seen or created syntax highlighting such as epmkwds.c for
Yes - Jason Liao did, and kindly gave me permission to distribute
it with EPM. If you get the latest release (6.03b) from Hobbes
or from, you should get an EPMKWDS.F90 file included.
A oto drugi list:
The following is a file that will syntax color EPM 6.03 editor for OS2
Warp for Fortran 90 program. It works on a white on blue screen. Hope
you find it useful. Please cut and save it as EPMkwds.f90.
@ -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ Sample of keywords file for the keywords hiliting feature of EPM
@ -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ This file is used by EPM to figure out which keywords to hilite
@ See EPMKWDS.f90 for additional documentation.
@ -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ Actual description of the keywords
@ -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ Start Color Color End Escape
@ string bg fg string character Col.
! -1 15
real(kind= -1 14 )
(len= -1 14 )
:: -1 14
bit_size -1 10
selected_int_kind -1 10
selected_real_kind -1 10
dot_product -1 10
random_number -1 10
random_seed -1 10
data_and_time -1 10
len_trim -1 10
set_exponent -1 10
system_clock -1 10
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345678-1 10=*!.
@ -------------------- compile-time keywords ---------------------------
allocatable -1 14
allocate -1 14
if -1 14
go -1 14
backspace -1 14
call -1 14
case -1 14
character -1 14
close -1 14
contains -1 14
continue -1 14
cycle -1 14
data -1 14
deallocate -1 14
type -1 14
dimension -1 14
do -1 14
else -1 14
else -1 14
elsewhere -1 14
end -1 14
endfile -1 14
exit -1 14
external -1 14
format -1 14
function -1 14
if -1 14
implicit -1 14
inquire -1 14
integer -1 14
intent -1 14
interface -1 14
intrinsic -1 14
module -1 14
namelist -1 14
none -1 14
nullify -1 14
open -1 14
optional -1 14
parameter -1 14
pointer -1 14
print -1 14
private -1 14
program -1 14
public -1 14
read -1 14
result -1 14
return -1 14
rewind -1 14
save -1 14
select -1 14
sequence -1 14
stop -1 14
subroutine -1 14
target -1 14
then -1 14
to -1 14
type -1 14
use -1 14
where -1 14
write -1 14
abs -1 10
achar -1 10
acos -1 10
adjustl -1 10
adjustr -1 10
aimag -1 10
aint -1 10
all -1 10
allocated -1 10
amint -1 10
any -1 10
asin -1 10
associated -1 10
atan -1 10
atan2 -1 10
btest -1 10
ceiling -1 10
char -1 10
cmplx -1 10
conjg -1 10
cos -1 10
cosh -1 10
count -1 10
cshift -1 10
dble -1 10
digits -1 10
dim -1 10
dprod -1 10
eoshift -1 10
epsilon -1 10
exp -1 10
exponent -1 10
floor -1 10
fraction -1 10
huge -1 10
iachar -1 10
iand -1 10
ibclr -1 10
ibits -1 10
ibset -1 10
ichar -1 10
ieor -1 10
index -1 10
int -1 10
ior -1 10
ishft -1 10
ishftc -1 10
kind -1 10
lbound -1 10
len -1 10
lge -1 10
lgt -1 10
lle -1 10
llt -1 10
log -1 10
log1 -1 10
logical -1 10
matmul -1 10
max -1 10
maxexponent -1 10
maxloc -1 10
maxval -1 10
merge -1 10
min -1 10
minexponent -1 10
minloc -1 10
minval -1 10
mod -1 10
mvbits -1 10
nearest -1 10
mint -1 10
not -1 10
pack -1 10
precision -1 10
present -1 10
product -1 10
radix -1 10
range -1 10
real -1 10
repeat -1 10
reshape -1 10
prspacing -1 10
scale -1 10
scan -1 10
shape -1 10
sign -1 10
sin -1 10
sinh -1 10
size -1 10
spacing -1 10
spread -1 10
sqrt -1 10
sum -1 10
tan -1 10
tanh -1 10
tiny -1 10
transfer -1 10
transpose -1 10
trim -1 10
ubound -1 10
unpack -1 10
verify -1 10
-- o------------------o ___ |Leszek Gerwatowski| _/_|_\ o------------------o (o\__/o)=))))))))))))) "It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon. It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here."
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 15:21:31 MET DST