Autor: Grzegorz Szyszlo (
Data: Tue 26 Jan 1999 - 22:24:30 MET
Nie wiem co to jest, ale o uszy mi sie obilo. w kazdym razie
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:14:37 +0100 (CET)
From: Adrian Gschwend <>
Subject: Opera for OS/2
(You get this mail if you contacted me regarding OS/2 software
developing or if you are on a OS/2 developing mailinglist or something
like that)
Some month ago Opera Software started working on an OS/2 port of the
well known Opera webbrowser. Unfortunately the company which is working
on the OS/2 port got a problem with the source and they never found a
solution. I don't know what they are doing, but I think they will never
complete it.
Helmar Rudolph (he is working at Opera) asked me for support, he is
looking for OS/2 developers with know how in porting stuff to OS/2. I
think the codbase would be Windows, he wrote that we will maybe get the
work done by the canadian firm. The codebase is now on level 3.5, this
version should be bether documented than the old release.
As far as I know (don't blame me if I am wrong) developers would get
payed for the port, if you are interested and if you really have the
know how and the time, please let me know! I think it would still be
very nice to get an OS/2 port of Opera.
Please contact me (Adrian Gschwend,, I will see how
many persons are interested in supporting Opera.
Note: This is NOT an open project (at least I think so), the sourcecode
will NOT be available and the browser will NOT be free! If you are
working on this port, we need to trust you!
Opera is online @
Thanks for your time
-- /===================================\ oOOo W temperaturze zera | \===\__/==\ bezwzglednego swiatlo | Grzegorz Szyszlo | zmienia postac \==============================================/ alotropowa (by Znik)
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