Autor: 21Warp - Warp 5 Now! (
Data: Wed 18 Nov 1998 - 00:43:16 MET
21Warp MailingList
First of all, you are receiving this message because you have registered for one or
more copies of a Warp 5 client via the Internet Site of JMA in Sweden.
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However the Aurora (OS/2 Warp Server for e-business) beta is now being tested around
the world, this is still only a server version.
We all would like IBM to release a client version, if possible for a lower price
than OS/2 Warp 4 Merlin!
That is, what this project is for.
Since you pre-ordered one or more copies of a Warp 5 client, now it is time to place
the real order!
Please go to the following link and fill out the form. When all orders are in, we
will place try to push IBM to actually produce the version we all want to have.
Lets take OS/2 into the 21st century!
The 21 Warp MailingList team.
This is a moderated mailinglist, anyone can send email which will apear (after
screening) on this list.
An archive is being kept at
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