Autor: Lech Wiktor Piotrowski (
Data: Sun 15 Nov 1998 - 10:42:53 MET
[1998-11-14] - New Warp Unleashed?
First, a hearty, "Thank you," to everyone who asked for a revised version of "OS/2
Warp Unleashed." Your persistance may, indeed, pay off.
I'm in the middle of discussions with a publisher who believes in the project. There
are some steps we must take before we can proceed. The two we're focusing
on now are: (a) develop a table of contents (ToC) and a proposal (b) put together a
team to make it happen.
The publisher wanted us to develop the ToC first and then run it by the folks who
responded directly to them. I told the publisher that I'd rather let it start with our
So, this is your opportunity! What would you like to see in the next edition of
"...Unleashed," it is WIDE open!!!
Somethings we've discussed: IBM's latest Warp Server for e-commerce
(codenamed Aurora), Internet access, Java (and NetRexx), CID, FixPack installation,
interoperability with other systems, client side, server side,whatever... There are NO
Like past editions of the book we'll focus on what is, not what might be. We will make
sure to dig beneath the surface to provde our readers with the best possible
coverage of any book. That much you can assume.
This is a golden opportunity. Rarely has there been such a strong movement to
revive a book. Thanks to everyone who persisted and refused to give up.
The bottom line: I have two separate and related needs...
1. Content, what you'd like to see the book cover
2.Volunteers... my other task is to put together a team to make this happen. OS/2 has
not gotten smaller, it will take a team to make it happen. So, if you're
interested in writing a chapter or two for the book, let me know (I also need to know
your field of expertise, too ).
I'm looking for experts or people willing to do the digging to become expert! People
who have already discovered or willing to commit to take the time to present to
readers what should have been in the manual(s).
I don't know about financial arrangements. I haven't gotten that far in my discussions
with the publisher. If you have specific requirements in this area, I need to
know that, too.
There it is... If you really want to see another edition of Warp Unleashed now is the
time. Let me know. We can make this happen!
Please feel free to spread this note far and wide. The more people that respond the
better. Don't assume that someone else requested something you want. Don't
assume someone else volunteered. You do it! When you assume you make an
"ass" of "u" and, "me." Do it!!!
Thank you!!!
David Moskowitz ( )
Featured author "OS/2 Warp Unleashed"
Lech Wiktor Piotrowski
TeamOS/2 Poland Webmaster
OS / 2 = Win ^ 98 <=> Win > 1
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