Autor: Leszek Gerwatowski (
Data: Mon 09 Nov 1998 - 10:15:09 MET
Czy ktoś z testujących Aurorę mógłby powiedzieć czy to prawda
(fragment oficjalnej wypowiedzi IBM)?
"The base shipping package includes the server pack and a client connection
pack, which updates components on existing OS/2 installs.
A CD that contains Netfinity 5.2 and Lotus Domino WebServer is included.
Another optional feature pack will update customers with HPFS 386, and that
update is also available as a separate feature for customers who do not
already have HPFS 386."
-- o------------------o ___ |Leszek Gerwatowski| _/_|_\ o------------------o (o\__/o)=))))))))))))) "What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet."
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