Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (
Data: Tue 03 Nov 1998 - 12:48:57 MET
Może ktoś by poprowadził lekcje współpracy OS/2 Warp z AS/400 i bymy
się lekko przekwalifikowali?
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Ibm's sales of the AS/400 are growing too. Rumor has it that for one
the models all 4thQ production is sold out. All Japan and Asian quotas
have been diverted to fill U.S. orders, and production capacities are
being ramped up. Not only that, but a sizable portion are being sold
first-time AS/400 buyers. Add to this imac's spectacular acceptance
million sold in the first 6 weeks of sales) and one realizes that 98%
market share has only one way to go.
In <>, on 10/31/98
at 09:21 PM, "Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH" <allbery_at_KF8NH.APK.NET>
>He's got a lot to worry about, and the DOJ is the least of his troubles.
>Seems that within the past two months Unix has been quietly recouping its
>past losses to NT, and (separately; it's not included in Unix sales
>numbers) ``out of nowhere'' Linux has suddenly started eating NT's lunch
>in the enterprise. NT's in deep kimchee and Gates knows it....
-- ----------------------------------------------------------- Booth Martin ----------------------------------------------------------- ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE=================== -- ============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman) Freelance journalist Os. Centrum B 1/89 Phone +48 12 642-13-00 31-927 Kraków Poland =============================================
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