Fwd: OS/2 Strategy Paper

Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl)
Data: Thu 08 Oct 1998 - 12:03:13 MET DST


To warto przeczytać, nawet ze słownikiem.


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Hello all,

The IBM Strategy Paper has been removed at the request of Jeff Smith
who heads up the OS/2 department of the Network Computing Software
Division. The replacement paper has been posted, but we know that its
really lame and is not the actual strategy because of the missing time
tables. The time tables we discussed, I don't believe, were entirely
accurate either.

Mr. Smith and I talked at length about OS/2 and upcoming features and
even one they hadn't thought of. The reasons that he wanted the paper
removed is that the first part of the document that dealt with
e-business and java strategy is central to the Network Computing
Division and their long term goals and it is, therefore, sensitive
material. The strategies discussed in it are largely accurate. The
OS/2 paper contained some falicies. The paper originated during the
days of Richard Seibt and Mr. Smith did not know about this document
until it surfaced on the Internet. The main falsehood in the document
are the timelines regarding OS/2 support. He figures that IBM will
continue to invest in OS/2 for another 10 years. They don't intend to
invest in the client for another 10 years. He did say that they are
considering a new client based on Aurora with the kernel and a
rewritten installation routine. Don't look for major enhancements or
anything that might be new.

Aurora, on the other hand, will be very cool. It will ship with
websphere and the Lotous Domino Go Webserver. Websphere will have a
LDAP server. It will also have the journaling filesystem from AIX and
logical volume support. It will have the Warp 4 interface. It is
positioned as a Tier 3 server. We did talk about how it should be put
up against NT Server, but I think my argurments fell on deaf ears. We
did talk about IBM creating mind share and how they weren't getting it
done. I also mentioned that a lot of small in medium business grew
and got larger. I also mentioned the incidnets where field sales
offices were recommending NT Server solutions over Warp Server
Solutions and while he sounded concerned, he didn't give me the
impression that anything would get done about it. I mentioned the
idea that the NT Software division was working on tools to move
AS/400 and RS/6000 applications to NT Server in the face of
Microsoft's stated goals of going after the AS/400 and RS/6000 market
is rather dumb. He stated that while that might carry with Lou
Gerstner, he couldn't do anything about it because he was too low in
the totem pole to make a difference.

IBM considers OS/2 Warp Server and Windows NT Server as a tier 3
server, AS/400 and RS/6000 the tier 2 level and the System 390
machines as the top tier. Unfortunately, IBM doesn't do enough to
market its tier 3 to the NT Server types. All the cool stuff is on
NT, not on Aurora. It really is a shame.


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============================= OS/2 WARP 4ever
Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman)    Freelance journalist
Os. Centrum B 1/89                   Phone +48 12 642-13-00
31-927 Kraków                 mailto:warpman_at_friko5.onet.pl
Poland                             http://friko5.onet.pl/kr/warpman/

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