Autor: Janusz Chmielewski (
Data: Thu 01 Oct 1998 - 22:01:57 MET DST
Artur Potracki wrote:
> Przepraszam za klopoty, ale czy ktos moglby opisac co dokladnie
> wpisac w Dialer aby polaczyc sie z Siecia przez TPSA (modemem).
> Wiem,ze ten temat byl juz kiedys poruszany, ale nie potrafie do
> niego dotrzec.
> Artur Potracki
-- Czolem Wacpanstwo !!! Dialer do wersji 4.0pl wykorzystuje takiego sobie demona (demon.rsp), ktorego latwo mozna przeksztalcic z polaczenia z IBM na TPSA. Zainteresowanym zalaczam (plaintext). <--------------------> Pozdrawiam Janusz Chmielewski
# OS/2 2.11 / WARP Response file for IBM TCP/IP version 2.0 / IAK
# Sample attachment script for dialing into an Internet access provider.
# This script should be specified on page 1 in the Login Script field for
# connections via SlipPM or using the -connect option if executing slip
# directly.
# NOTE: This file is supplied as a sample connection script, and
# does not constitute the endorsement of a particular
# Internet provider on the part of IBM.
# Internet providers periodically change their connection
# procedures; please refer to the latest information provided
# by the service provider.
# This script may be modified to suit the needs of the user
# and is written to process dialogs similar to the following:
# login: <your loginid>
# password: <your password>
# Protocol: slip [ Other possibilities here are "ppp" or "rfc1172" ]
# You will need to place your login name on the lines
# reading "PUT YOUR USERNAME HERE" and password on the lines reading
# Reset the modem first.
# Wait for modem responce, if none is received after 60 seconds, the response
# file will terminate.
# Dial the number, use the "9," if you need an outside line.
# Wait for the connect message
# Send a carriage return to wake up login screen
# Wait for name prompt
# Send user name
# Wait for password request.
# Send your password.
# Wait for protocol
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