Autor: Przemysław Pawełczyk (
Data: Thu 16 Jul 1998 - 13:37:50 MET DST
Kolejna cytryna do przełknięcia, a na giełdzie IBM ma się całkiem
dobrze. Oferują _wszystko_ co sobie klient zażyczy, jak stara q... My
oczywiście, od OS/2, mamy skończyć w jakiejś Javowej magmie lub NieTym
świecie... Krótko mówiąc, za sprawą IBM dokonuje się w tamtym
zgniłym zachodnim świecie (podobno Orient zaczyna się na wschód od
Wisły) kolejna rewolucja kulturalna, tym razem światowa, która
zaowocuje jednolitymi mundurkami dla wszystkich i bandami hunwejbinów
sprawdzających po domach czy PC nie wyłamują się z jednolitego systemu
powszechnej szczęśliwości. Kiedy te wreszcie te dziadki z menedżmentu
IBM odejdą na emeryturę?
PS. Z tymi bandami to trochę przesadziłem, Wystarczy, że Win będzie
miał zaszyte kody sprawdzające komputer i donoszące gdzie trzeba.
Przymiarki do tych metod już były.
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Howdy, y'all!
Been awhile since we've really gotten to the meat of the
"IBM is lying about the G2000 support" subject, so I have an
anecdote for you.
I have a friend who is a systems programmer at our local power
company. The company, if it matters, is MidAmerican Energy. Not a
HUGE power company, but I think they serve the larger cities in the
4 or 5 state region. I may be wrong on this, but either way, you'd
think they'd be a good customer. At any rate, my friend informed
me yesterday that management made a decision to switch completely to
NT, for much the same reasons other large companies are - IBM won't
support OS/2. His explanation was that when IBM was confronted with
the news that their contract was going to M$, the response was along
the lines of "Hey, that's fine, whatever you like! How can we help
you make the changeover?".
Bottom line is that IBM is lying to us when they say they're supporting
and/or marketing to the G2000 customers. If there is actually any real
support out there at all, I'd sure like to hear about it.
I really hate to toll the "OS/2 is dead" bell, because I'll keep
using it long after it decomposes. I just thought everybody would
like to know what's happening in at least one local shop.
-- Craig Miller <> FidoNet - 1:2613/404.25 Finger for more info and my PGP public key. Craiger's computer says: Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes. ===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE=================== =============================== OS/2 WARP 4ever Przemysław Pawełczyk (Warpman) Freelance journalist Os. Centrum B 1/89 Tel/fax: +48 12 642-13-00 31-926 Kraków Poland ==============================================
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